Finding Small Wins

Fostering Resilience in Young Athletes - A Parent and Coach Perspective with Mateus Manoel

Episode Summary

Summary In this conversation, Mateus discusses his entry into working with professional athletes and his evolution from a hands-on practitioner to a coordinator of high performance. He emphasizes the importance of trust and collaboration between performance specialists and coaches. Mateus also highlights the impact of sports science and technology on training and decision-making. He expresses concern about the increasing number of ACL injuries in young athletes and advocates for a more diverse and holistic approach to long-term athletic development. The conversation explores the topics of specialization in sports, the importance of trust and communication, and finding small wins.

Episode Notes

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Building trust and effective communication are crucial for successful collaboration between performance specialists and coaches.

Sports science and technology can provide valuable data, but it should be used in conjunction with other subjective and objective measures.

Early specialization and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the rise in injuries among young athletes.

A diverse and holistic approach to long-term athletic development, including exposure to a variety of sports and activities, can help prevent injuries and promote overall development. Specialization may be beneficial for certain sports that require specific skills, but for long-term health and development, generalization is a better strategy.

Trust and communication are crucial in sports performance, and being a technical expert is not enough.

Finding small wins is important to maintain optimism and motivation in the face of emotional highs and lows in sports.


00:00 Introduction and Background

07:11 Responsibilities as a Performance Specialist

13:43 The Influence of Sports Science and Technology

19:26 Building Trust and Collaboration with Coaches

32:33 Long-Term Athletic Development and Specialization

43:36 Creating a Curriculum for Youth Activities and Sports

47:54 Specialization in Sports

50:01 Importance of Trust and Communication

50:46 Finding Small Wins