Finding Small Wins

Behind the Scenes of Rehab with a Professional Athlete ft. Frank Kaminsky

Episode Notes

Welcome to another episode of Finding Small Wins Podcast, a space for conversations that pull back the curtain on sports, where to learn how to upgrade health & performance, and shed some light on how some of the best at what they do are finding the small wins that help them along the way.

Adam Loiacono, your host, is a physical therapist in the NBA & a former performance coach in Major League Soccer and the National Women’s Soccer League. 

In this episode, Adam is joined by Frank Kaminsky, an NBA player, who shares his story of enduring rehab while also shedding light on how the business of basketball has affected him over his career.

Key Takeaways: 

[1:16] Where does Frank play basketball before entering the NBA?

[3:21] How does Frank feel about the NIL?

[5:08] How do Frank’s ranking and draft order influence his rookie deal?

[6:03] What was Frank’s fit into the massive TV deal?

[6:57] Apart from the financial aspect, what else changed in the league from 2015 to 2023?

[9:30] Frank shares his perspective on the injury process. 

[10:44] Frank talks about the side of injuries that really can mess with someone’s head.

[11:09] What are the first steps as a player that Frank takes when an initial injury takes place?

[13:50] Adam and Frank talk about the role of the timing of an injury.

[16:26] Frank shares how to balance what is best for the player and what’s best for the Team.

[19:54] How did Frank prepare mentally for his unusual surgery?

[23:43] What was Frank’s attitude toward the physical aspect of rehab?

[25:49] How can PTs do a better job of setting realistic expectations?

[30:21] Frank shares what he thought was the most frustrating aspect of rehab.

[31:43] Has Frank picked any habit during the rehab process?

[33:40] Frank and Adam discuss the value of giving to rest in different cultures.

[38:42] Frank states: “It is not easy showing up for practice every single day.”

[40:27] Frank advises those going through rehab,

[44:00] Bodies take time to heal naturally.

[44:42] Are there any ways in which rehab could be made more enjoyable for professional athletes?

[51:38] Rehab is not like riding a bike, Frank explains why.

[57:59] How may contracts interfere with the rehab process?

[57:35] When Frank has to travel, how does he deal with the mental and physical toll? 

[58:43] Frank shares how challenging it is to play in Denver.

[1:01:56] Frank talks about the day he hit his “rookie wall”.

[1:03:53] Frank shares the crucial importance of being mentally present in the game.

[1:05:46] How does Frank define a small win?

[1:08:50] Frank advises anyone who wants to upgrade their health and performance.

[1:11:27] Frank shares his favorite NBA place to play.

[1:11:47] What is Frank’s favorite arena to play in?

[1:13:30] Frank answers questions about his favorite movies.

[1:15:15] Rapid-fire questions with Frank.

Mentioned in this episode: 

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