Finding Small Wins

Building Performance Programs in MLS Expansion Teams with Jarryd Phillips

Episode Summary

Learn from Director of Sport Performance in MLS Jarryd Phillips on his experiences creating high performance with multiple expansion teams.

Episode Notes

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In this conversation, Adam and Jarryd discuss Jarryd's journey in the soccer world, particularly his experience with an expansion team and the challenges they face. They also talk about the integration of performance and coaching, managing expectations, and the importance of self-improvement. Jarryd emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to player development and the importance of teamwork and attitude. They also touch on the growth of soccer in America and its potential for the future.


The challenges of starting with an expansion team include building everything from scratch and growing at an appropriate speed.

Success in soccer comes down to attitude and teamwork requires selflessness.

A holistic approach to player development, integrating performance and coaching, is crucial for building resilient athletes.

Small wins each day, such as focusing on self-improvement and embracing the journey, contribute to sustained success.

Soccer in America is evolving and becoming more ubiquitous, with potential for further growth in the future.


00:00 Jarryd's Journey and Challenges of an Expansion Team

08:40 The Difference Between an Expansion Team and an Established Club

27:29 Starting Where You Are and Self-Improvement