Finding Small Wins

Groin Injuries, Women in Sports, & Longevity Practices in Pro Sports ft. Dr. Stacey Hardin

Episode Notes

Welcome to another episode of Finding Small Wins Podcast, a space for conversations that pull back the curtain on sports, where to learn how to upgrade health & performance, and shed some light on how some of the best at what they do are finding the small wins that help them along the way.

Adam Loiacono, your host, is a physical therapist in the NBA & a former performance coach in Major League Soccer and the National Women’s Soccer League. 

In this episode, Adam is joined by Dr. Stacey Hardin, the first female Head Athletic Trainer in Major League Soccer (MLS),  to talk about the nuances of groin injuries, the importance of elevating women in sports, and how medical decisions may influence an athlete beyond their playing career.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Key Takeaways:

[1:52] Stacey went to school in Boston, and she talks about her University years.

[2:25] What does Stacey miss the most about Boston?

[3:31] Stacey shares her journey after Boston.

[4:31] How did Stacey get to the point in her career where she currently is?

[5:35] Today, Stacey works mainly remotely.

[6:38] Stacey lists what needs to be considered regarding hips and groin injuries.

[7:48] Stacey talks about the evidence that people should keep moving while recovering from hip and groin injuries.

[8:59] Stacey speaks on the process from injury to returning to the field.

[11:38] Trainers are not doing sufficient work to get athletes as strong as they need to be to meet the demands of their sports.

[12:19] Is there something that PTs can do to prevent hip and groin injuries?

[13:46] Stacey talks about the crucial importance of leadership and communication.

[15:14] How does Stacey define leadership within her framework?

[16:01] Stacey mentions the leaders she admires the most.

[17:03] Stacey talks about her experience being a woman in a field mainly dominated by men.

[21:15] Stacey emphasizes how small steps and changes can make a big difference.

[21:52] What advice would Stacey give to someone struggling to get into sports because of their gender?

[22:44] What motivates Stacey? 

[23:41] Has Stacey ever been in a situation where she felt she lost her way in pro sports?

[25:07] Stacey shares her memories from the ‘bubble’ when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020.

[30:10] When it comes to rehab, how does Stacey help athletes find small wins?

[31:27] How does Stacey define a small win?

[33:55] At the end of the day is all about caring for other people. 

[38:14] Adam confesses experiencing impostor syndrome.

[41:53] Stacey shares her view on longevity and tactics to promote it in professional sports.

[44:25] How can we elevate and integrate practices and the medicine of longevity into the healthcare of athletes?

[49:33] Decisions must not be rushed; the athlete needs the space to comprehend what is going on and reach the point when it is their decision and not just follow somebody’s recommendation.

[51:19] Stacey answers rapid-fire questions.

Mentioned in this episode: 

Learn more about  Finding Small Wins

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