Finding Small Wins

Private and Team Staff for The Athlete’s Best Interest with Mike Robertson

Episode Notes

Welcome to another episode of Finding Small Wins Podcast, a space for conversations that pull back the curtain on sports, where to learn how to upgrade health & performance, and shed some light on how some of the best at what they do are finding the small wins that help them along the way.

Adam Loiacono, your host, is a physical therapist in the NBA & a former performance coach in Major League Soccer and the National Women’s Soccer League. 

In this episode, Adam is joined by Mike Robertson, a performance coach for over two decades. He shares his advice, stories, and perspective with the next generation, which applies to high-performance athletes and life. 

Key Takeaways:

[2:02] Mike talks about his career, which splits in two, the training aspect and the online presence. 

[3:16] Mike shares his experience with professional athletes.

[5:45] Mike talks about his experience with pro-soccer athletes.

[9:55] How can the team staff best support performance staff when managing an athlete's off-season program?

[11:44]  Has Mike ever invited people to train in his space? 

[12:55] Mike shares advice to improve communication in the Team environment.

[16:22]  How can PTs manage or avoid tension between private and team staff?

[18:31] How can team and private practice be better integrated?

[24:14] How can the next generation of coaches and therapists vet what's out there?

[28:09] In Physical preparation, what has withstood the test of time? Smart fundamental training.

[30:43]  Is there anything else you used to do from the history of physical performance that has come and gone?

[35:58] What are the big pillars of Mike’s program? What does he believe in?  Improving movement efficiency and economy first are Mike’s program pillars

[41:55] What would Mike recommend if someone wanted to incorporate data with an athlete, tech data?

[50:36] How is Mike helping his clients find the small wins along the way?

[54:30] How does Mike find his small wins?

[59:22] Mike shares his advice with anyone who wants to upgrade their health and performance.

[1:01:34] Mike answers a series of rapid-fire questions.

Mentioned in this episode: 

Learn more about Finding Small Wins

Follow  Adam Loiacono on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.

Robertson Training Systems

The Physical Preparation Podcast